舞林争霸 . . . 为耶稣?

作者:Alyssa Mendez
High school dancers 和 their parents don’t have to choose between professional dance instruction 和 a Christian education. 两者都可以. Discover how CCA’s Dance Endorsement program makes this possible for high school students 和 which renowned college dance programs 和 summer intensives they’re being accepted into.

虽然各各他基督学院不是表演艺术学校, 其独特的舞蹈代言计划, 哪个和a相似 磁铁的程序, gives high school students the opportunity to learn from 和 be mentored by professionally trained faculty members who love the Lord 和 want to see their students glorify God with the beauty of movement.

通过这个项目, 学生们接触到各种各样的舞蹈类型, 技术, 以及芭蕾之类的风格, 现代舞, 和爵士乐. 课程包括, 但并不局限于:强调表演技巧的剧目课程, 编排, 黑, 变化, 舞蹈教育学, 舞蹈的历史, 文化舞蹈形式, 调节, 解剖学, 伤害预防, 以及对舞蹈表演的批判性分析.
CCA students who are accepted into the Dance Endorsement program after applying 和 auditioning participate for all four years of high school. 即使学生被录取,试镜仍然是该计划的一部分. 这是为了让他们为专业水平的舞蹈做好准备, each student who performs for a dance concert in the CCA Theatre is required to audition for their role.

“裁员是该行业非常现实的一部分. We want to teach our students how to deal with disappointment in a healthy way by clinging to the Lord instead of resorting to unhealthy coping behaviors or negative thinking,” 桑德拉·亨德森说, 毕业于中国艺术学院美术学士学位(BFA) 新世界艺术学院 在迈阿密.


CCA的教师们,比如. 亨德森和夫人. 塔拉·布朗,以优异的成绩毕业于荣誉学院 佛罗里达州立大学 dance program with a BFA — prepare students for admission into post-secondary educational programs, 在舞蹈领域的职业生涯, 还有事工的机会.

This year’s Dance Endorsement students have recently earned acceptances into nationally 和 internationally ranked colleges with top-rated dance programs 和 summer intensive programs. (请继续阅读,看看今年有哪些学校给他们提供了录取通知!)

While a majority of Dance Endorsement students also attend outside studios to further hone their skills, some have not but have still gained the knowledge 和 技术 necessary to be accepted into such prestigious programs.
等他们毕业的时候, 他们将完成至少100小时的参与和性能要求
等他们毕业的时候, 他们将完成至少100小时的参与和性能要求, 是什么让他们获得了特殊的毕业证书和文凭上的认可印章.

“These girls are getting opportunities that most students in performing arts schools are striving for. God is doing some very big things in this program, even during this unprecedented school year,” 女士说. 亨德森.

由于大流行, this year’s seniors were not able to fly to schools to audition in person but had to submit virtual 试镜 instead. They were guided by CCA’s dance faculty who walked them through the process 和 allowed them to use the school’s dance studio to record their 试镜.

另外, all Dance Endorsement 从大一开始,学生们就开始制作和编辑自己的职业简历 so they’re ready to submit them to colleges 和 conservatories.
在COVID之前,这个项目的学生有机会参加 全国高中舞蹈节 这是全美最大的高中生舞蹈节. This festival also serves as a recruitment event where representatives from the top dance programs are present 和 eager to make admission offers.

参加CCA的学生学会了推销自己,建立人际网络,甚至谈判. We encouraged them to make a good impression while staying true to their identity in Christ,” 女士说. 亨德森.
We encouraged them to make a good impression while staying true to their identity in Christ
校友 of the Dance Endorsement program have attended colleges with distinguished dance programs, including ones at Christian colleges that prepared them to pursue dance opportunities in the ministry space.


Ms. 亨德森和夫人. 棕色(的) educate their students about being a light in the dance community — an industry that can be physically 和 mentally dem和ing at times.

“We want our dancers to know that they don’t have to be ashamed about being a Christian or sacrifice their biblical st和ards to fit in,” 太太说. 棕色(的). “在这个行业中脱颖而出可能是一项挑战, 而是圣灵, 我们的助手, 使之成为可能.”

“We want our dancers to know that they don’t have to be ashamed about being a Christian or sacrifice their biblical st和ards to fit in,”
Being set apart 和 honoring the Lord through dance has been taught in the Dance Endorsement program by engaging in discussion about song choices, 动作背后的意图, 服装的选择.
(夫人. 布朗和夫人. 亨德森] challenge parents to be involved 和 actively advocate on behalf of their children
“他们不仅被塑造成优秀的舞者,而且是上帝的女人和男人。” 女士说. 亨德森. 无论我们做什么,我们都可以为神而做,并在他里面找到我们的身份.”

夫人. 布朗和夫人. 亨德森不仅在培训学生,也在培训他们的家长. They challenge parents to be involved 和 actively advocate on behalf of their children when it comes to expressing their creativity.

但你们是上帝的选民, 皇家祭司, 一个神圣的国度, 上帝的特殊财产, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 彼得前书2:9


废话不多说, please join us in congratulating the following Eagles who have been dancing with us since 中学!







希拉里•福斯特 & ADELYN尼科尔森

他们可能不是即将毕业的高年级学生, but we also wanted to celebrate Hillary Foster (10th Grade) 和 Adelyn Nicholson (9th Grade) for their acceptance into 波士顿芭蕾舞学校的暑期舞蹈项目! 这是一个竞争激烈的行业, five-week intensive program where students from around the world have the opportunity to develop their passion for dance under the instruction of internationally renowned faculty.



如果您的孩子想体验威尼斯人博彩舞蹈的每一天是什么样的, 考虑为他/她报名参加我们的夏季舞蹈强化课程! This camp will be taking place June 14-25 for incoming 6th-12th grade students who have at least one year of dance experience. 了解更多关于这个为期两周的项目的信息,请发电子邮件给桑德拉·亨德森 S和raH@CCAEagles.org.

“创造力是上帝给我们的礼物. 使用我们的

  • 杰基 法灵顿
    这是一场精彩的表演!! 你不能说我不在纽约. 我看了三次首演舞,我在每一部作品中都看到了耶稣. 我感谢上帝,我们能够参加并真正体验到上帝的爱,和平的感动. 谢谢你太太。. 棕色(的) & 夫人. 感谢亨德森在舞蹈中对主有一颗心. To each of you Principal Dancers that’s who you are in God’s eyes know that you all are chosen.你生来就是为了完成这部舞蹈的杰作. Stay true to Jesus 和 you will always accomplish whatever you set out to do that is pleasing to our God. 请让我知道我怎么能得到一个副本,使艺术,或者你什么时候会再次流媒体. 祝福,



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