
Are there any students in your life feeling overwhelmed by 焦虑? 年轻人的焦虑情绪急剧上升, equipping them with effective emotional regulation strategies is more crucial than ever. 卢Zarro, CCA劳德代尔堡高中ESE主任, shares valuable insights and practical tools to help students identify triggers, 养成积极的习惯, 培养面对挑战的韧性.

As the number of students grappling with 焦虑 continues to rise, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of equipping them with effective emotional regulation tools. 研究表明,焦虑会改变大脑功能, 尤其是在与记忆有关的区域, 决策, 以及情绪控制. This makes it essential to provide strategies that not only 建立情绪弹性, 也有利于认知健康.

为了满足这些需求, I specialized in helping individuals break through limiting beliefs and rewire their brains with positive, 建设性思维模式. 多年来, I’ve integrated these strategies at CCA 劳德代尔堡 and in various other settings, 让学生和成年人都能更好地管理压力, 焦虑, 消极思维.

“终于, 兄弟, 不管什么是真的, 只要是可敬的, 只要是公正的, 只要是纯净的, 只要是可爱的, 只要是值得赞扬的, 如果有什么优点, 如果有什么值得称赞的, 想想这些事情.” 腓立比书4:8


What many may not realize is the strong correlation between ADHD and 焦虑. In fact, about 25% of individuals with ADHD also experience 焦虑. 症状重叠,比如难以集中注意力, 不安, 睡眠障碍会使诊断和治疗复杂化. 另外, stimulant medications often prescribed for ADHD can sometimes heighten 焦虑, 因此密切监测这两种情况至关重要.

If you notice a student with ADHD who struggles with constant worry, 恐慌症, 或者是高度紧张的感觉, it’s important to consider whether 焦虑 is also playing a role. Understanding this comorbidity helps us tailor our support to the individual’s specific needs.


In both the classroom and at home, 焦虑 can manifest in various ways. Recognizing these symptoms is the first step toward effective support. 广泛性焦虑症(GAD)的常见症状包括:

  • 过度担心
  • 持续的消极想法
  • 烦躁不安或易怒
  • 肌肉紧张,常导致头痛
  • 难以集中注意力
  • 难以入睡或保持睡眠

通过及早识别这些行为, we can intervene with appropriate strategies to alleviate stress and promote emotional well-being.

5 Strategies to Help Manage Anxiety and 构建 Emotional Resilience

  1. 识别触发因素

    One of the most empowering ways to manage 焦虑 is by identifying its triggers. 鼓励学生记日记, 注意引起焦虑的情况及其反应. Understanding these patterns enables students to approach challenges with greater self-awareness and control.

  2. 养成日常用电习惯

    在识别触发器之后, it’s important to establish daily habits that promote calmness and confidence. 对我来说, a quiet moment of prayer by candlelight or a peaceful walk along the beach helps reset my mind. For others, activities like journaling, listening to music, or exercising may offer similar benefits. Encouraging students to discover and practice their own “power habits” can significantly reduce stress and improve emotional regulation.

  3. 每天设定积极的目标

    Beginning each day with a focus on positivity can transform a student's emotional outlook. 我建议从三个问题开始. These reflective questions help shift focus away from 焦虑 and toward a mindset of growth and positivity:

    • 今天我要成为什么样的人?
    • 对我影响最大的人是谁?
    • 我能养成什么样的习惯来给我的一天带来更多的快乐呢?

  4. 使用神经艺术来解决限制性信念

    Neuroart is a powerful therapeutic art tool that helps rewire the brain by transforming limiting beliefs into positive thoughts. Research shows that the brain processes visual stimuli faster than verbal language, 让艺术成为变革的宝贵工具. 我亲眼目睹了它的变革性影响.

    例如, I recently worked with a student who struggled with self-doubt about his academic performance. 通过neuroart, we explored his emotional blocks and identified the support systems he hadn’t recognized before. This process not only changed his mindset, but also significantly reduced his 焦虑.

  5. 在课堂和家庭中运用技巧

    作为劳德代尔堡CCA高中教育总监, my team utilizes a variety of techniques to help students manage 焦虑 and regulate their emotions, 包括:

    • 盒子呼吸: A simple breathing exercise that calms the nervous system and helps students regain focus.
    • 可视化: Encouraging students to imagine positive outcomes or serene environments to reduce stress.
    • 鹅卵石或石头: Teaching students to evaluate whether a problem is a "pebble" (small) or a "stone" (large), 帮助他们更好地评估挑战的严重性.
    • 运动休息: Short breaks for stretching or walking can release built-up tension and restore concentration.

通过整合这些策略, 我们可以让学生控制自己的焦虑, 建立情绪弹性, 培养积极向上的心态, 富有成效的结果.

作为家长和教育者, it is crucial to recognize these challenges and provide the tools and support that help students thrive — both emotionally and academically. Together, we can create a healthier, more empowering environment for every student.

Lourdes Zarro serves as the 高中 ESE Director at Calvary Christian Academy’s 劳德代尔堡 campus. 1989年开始她的职业生涯, Lourdes has over 30 years of experience helping families navigate the challenges associated with Attention Deficit Disorder, 学习障碍, 自闭症谱系障碍, 和不同的例外情况. 作为家长, she has experienced the joy and challenges that come with having a child with a learning disability. She uses art as a tool to help children/adults and senior citizens rewire their brains by transforming limiting beliefs into positive thoughts.




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