4 Steps for Choosing a College Campus Ministry

By: Abe Rozenblum, Class of 2022
大学独立是否让你在信仰上感到飘忽不定? CCA 2022届校友Abe Rozenblum提供了将基督教价值观融入大学生活旋风的路线图. 他分享了自己寻找社区的旅程,并提供了实际的步骤,帮助大学生在新的经历中保持联系并在信仰中成长.

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首先,我要说的是,我一直感谢上帝在这段时间里给了我一群朋友, both new and old. 过去两年的大学生活让我度过了一生中最快乐的时光. Having said that, 在大学兴奋的旋风中,与教会保持联系是至关重要的. 

Like me, many college students have relocated to a new city, and with that comes a change of pace, habits, and rhythms. 新获得的独立状态很容易让人分心. When I first arrived at the University of Central Florida, I was blown away by the vastness of college. 似乎实现任何你想要的东西的潜力是无限的. 
“. . . 在大学兴奋的旋风中,与教会保持联系是至关重要的.”
At my university, 秋季学期的第一周被称为开放骑士, 让学生与UCF提供的不同机会互动. During that time, 我记得自己被各种各样的类似俱乐部淹没了, groups, and organizations. Determining which one was best for me was challenging. 

At that time, I was invited to a handful of different Christian campus ministries. However, 大多数校园牧师在同一天晚上开会, 这使得在短时间内尝试每个俱乐部几乎是不可能的. Ultimately, after a lengthy amount of time hopping around, I began attending YoungLife’s Men’s small group weekly. 虽然我花了很长时间才做出最后的决定,但我很感激我最终的选择. 


  1. Attend 

    第一步总是出现——不管你是否愿意. 参加尽可能多的俱乐部,直到你找到一个你喜欢的. 如果你不知道哪一个是最好的,这是完全可以接受的. You will never know if you do not show. Likewise, avoid procrastination in this area of life.

    The Bible warns deeply about the consequences of laziness, and when first arriving at college, 寻找一个基督徒团体不是一件可以拖延的事情. 无论是作为校园事工还是地方教会, 对于那些希望在信仰中扎根的信徒来说,尽早参与是非常重要的. 这也是建立终身友谊的好方法,这是我的经验之谈.
    “. . . when first arriving at college, 寻找一个基督徒团体不是一件可以拖延的事情.”
  2. Pursue

    正如我前面提到的,不知道哪一组最适合你是很正常的. 说实话,在我参加的第一个校园事工中,我有过一次糟糕的经历,但这没关系. 不要忘记教会是一群不完美的,被宽恕的罪人的集合. Sometimes, you will catch people on a rough night, but that should not deter you from finding a ministry.

    同样,我建议在做出最后的判断之前,先去几次. 这可以让你对社区和环境有一个真实的感觉. In my first year, 在我找到我想去的地方之前,我参加了四到五个不同的校园事工和近10个教堂.

  3. Discern

    Matthew 10:16 teaches us to be as wise as serpents. 当你决定要加入哪一个事工时,你必须检验所做的事是否违背神的话. 如果在任何时候你对所教的内容感到不安,只要问, does this align with the Bible? 问问你的家人,朋友,甚至以前的老师关于任何有关的想法. I am grateful for the CCA teachers and staff who, to this day, I can call or text at a moment's notice.

    On another note, 如果一条信息让我们感到不安,因为它挑战了我们想要的生活方式, that does not mean it goes against the Word of God. God wants us to be a pupil of the church, not a critic. 找一个能让你变得更敏锐的事工,不像外面的世界. 箴言4:7说得好:“智慧的开端是:得智慧.”
  4. Replicate

    Invite your friends! 找到你的校园事工后,还有更多的工作要做. While searching for ministries and churches in Orlando, 我第一次听说“年轻生活”是来自一位比我大几岁的前加州大学旧金山分校学生和CCA校友亚伦·里登诺. He invited me to check out his small group, 他的尽职调查最终让我加入了YoungLife.

    All that to say, 每个基督徒都有责任去接触那些经历类似过程的人, believer or non-believer. C.S. 刘易斯曾经说过:“教会存在的唯一目的就是吸引人们归向基督。.”

Lastly, 我想提醒读这篇文章的人,基督徒的旅程并不容易, especially in college. Moreover, John 15:18 reminds us that we will have adversaries, however, be bold in your faith, get involved in the community, and make disciples so that you can gain wisdom. 

“How much better to get wisdom than gold! 得聪明比得银子更蒙拣选.”
–Proverbs 16:15
Author Bio:
安倍·罗森布鲁姆在劳德代尔堡各各他基督学院就读10年后,于2022年毕业. 作为伯内特荣誉学院(Burnett Honors College)的一员,他即将进入中佛罗里达大学(University of Central Florida)的第三年,学习金融.

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